At different points in your life, you’re traveling along at different speeds towards different goals. You’re moving in and out of your Life Lanes. And to help you keep moving forward, Progressive will be there for you with expert guidance, tips and tools so you can be confident that you’ll reach your destination.
The Life Lanes content hub was launched in December 2015 as an effort to create useful and inviting content for our most upper-funnel prospects as they move throughout different stages of life. While working with prominent influencers and Progressive experts, the hub was launched with over 200 pieces of content.
On the surface, Life Lanes has a modern design with an animated video that changes depending on the users local weather. Behind the scenes is a robust logic system. New content is served to readers in an intelligent way that delivers value to both the reader and the brand. The program continues to grow today with new content and new features being pushed on a regular basis.
(Work performed while under contract at Arnold in Boston.)